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How I lost Two Pounds Per Week using a Weight Loss Program

How I used this diet progeam to lose weight and reduce tummy fat to get a flat belly

This is the last blog of my friend, Jane, who embarked on the Every Other Day Diet.  She has successfully followed this diet and managed to lose two pounds (one kilo) per week . You can read about her here and discover why she chose this diet to lose weight.

I am very sorry for not giving you regular updates as I promised when I begun the Every Other Day Diet. Nonetheless,  I have good news. Since the last experience I narrated here, I have experienced drastic changes in my overall weight. I mean to say that my dieting program was successful. My goal was to lose weight and lose my belly fat  while following a healthy and practical program. Well, I did. Though it took two weeks over the period I had estimated, I managed to lose two pounds (one kilo) weekly while sticking to the Every Other Day Diet.

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My Status Report on the Every Other Day Diet (Weight Loss Program)

Reduce Tummy Fat Every Other Day Diet

This post was written by my friend, Jane, who embarked on the Every Other Day Diet (Weight Loss Program) She promised to keep my blog readers up to date with her progress.  Please leave a comment and encourage her. You can read about her here and discover why she chose this weight loss program to lose weight. You can read about her experiences in the first day of her diet here.

I don’t like my pace, attitude and progress so far. I have slowed down and it is not a pleasant experience. Since I devoted myself to make this work, I should focus and not give up now. I am determined to lose weight and reduce belly fat.

Every Other Day Diet: Why I chose this Weight Loss Program


This blog post was written by my friend, Jane who embarked on the Every Other Diet two weeks ago.

There are so many diets and weight loss programs around the Internet, as well as weight loss surgery. Some of  the weight loss programs work and some don’t, so how do you know which one’s do work?  (assuming that you are not interested in a weight loss surgery)

If you need to lose weight fast and lose belly fat, then you don’t want to waste your time trying diet after diet only to find that they are too hard to stick to or they simply don’t work.

One reason that I chose the EveryOtherDayDiet to help me successfully lose weight is because it isn’t as restrictive as many other diets.  I have tried a few different diets and found many of them to be very restrictive.  Although you embark on them with the best intentions, being restricted and watching every single little thing that you eat, you soon lose that motivation that you start out with.

So, let’s take a closer look at how this diet works and why I think this diet is one of the better weight loss diets around.

Week #1 On my new Weight Loss Diet

This post was written by my friend, Jane, who embarked on the Every Other Day Diet. She promised to keep my blog readers up to date with her progress.  Please leave a comment and encourage her. You can read about her here and discover why she chose this weight loss program diet to lose weight fast and lose her belly fat. You can read about her experiences in the first day of her diet here.

It is one week after I Started the Every Other Day Diet. I weighed myself at the start of this journey towards a flat tummy fast. I did the same today, for the first time, to see whether I am on the right course. Of course, I was afraid of the results. When I started dieting, I was147 lbs (66.6 kg). Today, I have……145 lbs  (65.7kg).

The Every Other Day Diet – My journey to Losing Weight

My journey to Losing Weight and Reduce Tummy Fat

This post was written by my friend, Jane, who embarked on the Every Other Day Diet. She promised to keep my blog readers up to date with her progress.  Please leave a comment and encourage her. You can read about her here and discover why she chose this weight loss program.

Yesterday marked my first day on the Every Other Day Diet. I must admit that I have an issue with one important component of this diet program. The shakes I took for breakfast gave me a hard time. I do not have the exact information about the composition of the shakes and their impact but my understanding is that the production process involves accurate selection of nutritious foods in adequate amounts. This results into a balanced mixture that provides sufficient nutrients for the body.

My Journey to a Flat Belly using my new Weight Loss Program

This post was written by my friend, Jane, who is embarking on the Every Other Day Diet. She promised to keep my blog readers up to date with her progress.  Please leave a comment and encourage her.

It is a new year. This time round, I have put weight loss as one of my New Year resolutions. It has been top of my agenda every year, but now, it is a must. This year, I want to try the Every Other Day Diet. In the past few months I’ve gained weight and I am now determined to lose weight. I was looking for a diet program that works and I believe that this diet program may enable me to achieve a quick weight loss.

Since it is important to select a diet after analysing what it involves and how it works, I have evaluated the effect of this diet.  I know this diet focuses on proteins, and based on my research, I believe that protein diets work well.

Dr. Oz call Raspberry Ketone “The #1 miracle in a bottle to burn your fat” – Will it help you lose weight ?

The #1 miracle in a bottle to burn your fat - by Dr. Oz

If you watch the Dr. Oz Show, you may have heard Dr. Oz call raspberry ketones  “The #1 miracle in a bottle to burn your fat.”  Since he made that bold statement, I’ve heard that raspberry ketone supplements are sold so fast that vitamin stores can’t keep them on the shelves!

I would like to review the raspberry ketone research — minus the hype that you have already heard about. Only in this way can you make an informed decision about whether raspberry ketone are right for you. My review will help you to find out if this product can help you lose weight.

Is this the Quickest Way to Lose Weight ?

I’ve always believed that losing weight shouldn’t be complex: All you need to do is exercise and watch your calorie intake everyday. If it’s so simple why do so many people fail to to lose weight? Why do so many people bounce from one diet program to the other ? Why is it so hard find a weight loss program that will enable a quick weight loss ?

The problem, is that this isn’t how effective weight loss is done. I’ve discovered that effective diet requires a diligent effort, along with a diet and exercise routine that go “hand in hand” to destroy fat and melt it away from your body. Many of my friends (including myself) have tried many weight loss programs with minimal or no success.

The question is which weight loss program should you use for an effective weight loss ?

Is this the best Paleo Diet Cookbook ?

I‘ve received numerous emails and requests to recommend and review a Paleo Diet cookbook. Many of you got excited after reading my story about the Paleo Diet and how I used it to lose weight and reduce tummy fat after giving birth.

I bought a number of Paelo cooking books in Amazon and they were okay, but not too inspiring.  I’ve decided to buy the Paleo Recipe Book a few weeks ago and it was the best Paleo cookbook that I’ve used. I am going to tell you the reasons it’s the best cookbook to use if you are serious about losing weight and reduce your tummy fat. I am also going to give you a few scrumptious recipes from this book. This review is based on my own experience and feedback I’ve received from my friends.

Discover why Paleo Diet is the Healthy Way to Lose Weight

Weight loss is perhaps one of the most trying activities a person can undertake. Apart from the physical pain of countless fitness routines, there is the emotional burden. You experience depressive episodes when your body refuses to barge despite the efforts to lose weight and reduce tummy fat. I have experienced this pain too. It was more severe after childbirth. I was lucky to discover the Paleo Diet or as it sometimes called, the Caveman Diet.  This diet totally transformed my body.