
Will you lose weight faster by doing Cardio Work on an Empty Stomach?

When I started working out for the very first time many years ago, one of the most widespread theories about exercising was that doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning would burn fat 3 times faster, thus allow you to reduce tummy fat faster. This is because your glycogen, which is made and stored primarily in the liver and the muscles, and functions as long-term energy storage, is depleted in the morning. After sleeping for about 6 to 8 hours at night your glycogen level reduces since your body needs it for various body functions. The theory is if you do cardio in the morning while fasting, your belly fat will be burnt instead of the carbohydrate stored in your body.

This sounded like an exciting idea and I decided to check it and find out if it’s a myth or a fact.

If you think logically you will understand that doing cardio in the morning while fasting will make you nauseous. You will feel like throwing up or passing out and I can bet you would not want to feel like this while exercising. Besides, most people can’t perform optimally in the morning with low energy levels.

I admit that sometimes you can reduce tummy fat in the morning while you are fasting, but there is a risk that you might lose your muscles as well which you achieved after working so hard. And if you are going to do intense cardio which requires a lot of energy and stamina, it’s going to be rough for you to continue while in a fasting state.

If Doing Cardio in the Morning While Fasting Is Bad… When Should It Be Done?

In most cases working out in the morning is recommended because it’s going to prevent you from making excuses to avoid exercising later in the day. It’s easy for so many people to make excuses to skip workout. If you exercise in the morning you are more likely to end up doing workout in the later parts of the day as well. Besides, you feel fresh and can focus on your work if you breathe fresh air in the morning.

In case you are a morning person and want to do some hardcore cardio, never do it while in a fasting state. As I have mentioned in my previous post about big breakfast, a big breakfast with good amount of protein and carbs will help you to reduce tummy fat and lose weight. What you can do before exercising is eating some light breakfast containing protein and little amount of carbs and then do your workout. After doing your cardio you can have your big breakfast.

Remember, doing cardio while fasting might cause more harm than good and I highly recommend avoiding it.

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